Pearly Grey Ocean Club

A big shout out to Pearly Grey

Pearly Grey Hotel in Callao Salvaje provide self catering holiday apartment rentals.

Our deepest appreciation to Pearly Grey Ocean Club for sponsoring and providing office space for the Canary Green team and to the entire staff for looking after us.


Although most of our work is done at home remotely having a base to conduct meetings and get together is greatly appreciated.

Initially we were enthusiastic about our new work-from-home routine for the first month or two, but now social isolation is catching up with us, we crave physical interactions. So it’s good to have a physical place we can catch up.


Our office is located @ Pearly Grey Ocean Club

Local 55, Calle La Lava 4, Callao Salvaje, Adeje 38678,
Tenerife, Canary Islands. Spain

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  1. Pingback: The three Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle - Canary Green nonprofit

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