European Tourism Islands Convention

From 30 November to 2 December the first ever European Tourism Islands Convention will take place in Gran Canaria. It is an honour for us that this event takes place in the Canary Islands, so let’s come in numbers and represent our beautiful islands at this convention. 


We will meet at ExpoMeloneras, and this convention is important because it will allow us to achieve these 3 goals: To foster a new European tourism policy, To draw up a joint plan of action and To promote specific measures for the islands.

No more "Isolated" Islands but United

In this convention, 5 topics will be discussed : 

  1. European Green Islands in the face of Climate Change.
  2. European Island and Digital Transition.
  3. Data and People
  4. European Transition Pathway for Tourism.
  5. New European Tourism Policy.


This convention will create a new era for island tourism, but above all it will enable a green transition and a profitable future for all. Indeed, following the health crisis and the war in Ukraine, the economic damage caused by this is very real. It is important to unite in order to bounce back and become stronger. Thus, a common action plan is more than essential but will also be fruitful. Together we can become The Green Islands, and no longer be isolated islands but united

If you want to have more information about green transition, please Sign Up below and don’t forget to register to the European Tourism Islands Convention’s websiteWe hope to see many of you there ! 

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