Tag #ILoveCanarias and join the movement! Tag us @canaryislandsgreen on Instagram and we re-post you!
Over the past few months, there has only been one word on everybody’s lips. Coronavirus. One microscopic bacteria has had the power to stop us in our tracks and bring global economies tumbling to the ground. But, it is not all doom and gloom. Looking back over history, not one single disease has killed off our collective need or desire to share our lives together. In times like these, we need to be united! The COVID-19 virus proves that small things can cause a huge impact if we let them. But, imagine if we used this influence for good.
Approximately 15.6 million visitors arrive on Canarian shores each year, a lot of these are returning visitors. It is evident that the Canary Islands hold a special place in the hearts of many and now more than ever it is time to celebrate them.
The #ILoveCanarias social media campaign focuses on the central theme of love. Love for our islands, our communities, local businesses and of course, a love of nature. Each island is bursting with life and soon we will be able to embrace it again. To promote this amazing archipelago and send a positive message around the world, we are calling upon you to take the lead.
TAG #ILovecanarias and join the movement
No fancy equipment is needed, just a love for our islands. Simply take a photo of your favourite spot on the islands, place both of your hands together to form a heart shape and get a friend to take the photo. Later, share the photo on your social media using the hashtag, #ILoveCanarias. Your photo could be a beautiful sunset, breath-taking views from El Teide in Tenerife or simply a perfectly poured coffee from your favourite coffee shop. As long as you are using the heart hands and the hashtag, your photo will form part of this community campaign.
Of course, for anyone wanting to take the campaign local, the hashtag can be adapted to reflect the name of their town or municipality. EG: #ILoveAdeje or #ILoveCallaoSalvaje. Use these new hashtags in collaboration with the main hashtag #ILoveCanarias to achieve maximum exposure. More information on how to participate in this campaign, can be found here.
While viruses may have devastating effects on our towns and communities they also foster creativity and resilience. While in the short term, the after effects may seem problematic, in the long run our islands will not only survive, they will flourish. So, as we extend our arms wide and welcome back those who love our islands so dearly, we invite you all to get creative and tell the world that #ILoveCanarias.
For a full campaign outline and information on how to collaborate with media and town halls, please visit the #ILoveCanarias page, here.
Sustainabe Tourism Travel – Taking responsibility in a changing world.