our green team

our dedicated professionals

Canary Green non profit is run by dedicated, passionate and idealistic professionals who want to promote responsible and sustainable tourism by showcasing all the amazing initiatives on the Canary Islands and inspire local businesses and travellers globally to help create this positive and necessary change.

We want to help the 14 million tourists visiting us each year to travel more sustainably.
That is why we have made it our mission to showcase and promote all the responsible and sustainable initiatives throughout the Canary Islands. Together with local businesses and travellers globally we help create positive and necessary change for a sustainable future.

John Website Pic Small

John founded Canary Green in 2010 to inspire and promote climate change solutions.

Anneleen Website Profile Pic

Anneleen is from Belgium and wants to inspire change through responsible tourism.

Shayne Website Profile pic

Shayne is an Irish student who is passionate about creative industries and sustainable tourism initiatives.

Matteo website pic small

Matteo Guedia is a photographer and videographer from Italy, driven by a passion for storytelling and sustainability.

Lina Vosyliute Canary Green

Lina is an entrepreneur, researcher, and activist committed to social sustainability and migrant rights.

Sarah van den Broek

Sarah is Dutch student with a passion for visual storytelling, especially through photography and film.

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