RFTC 2021 - Canary Green supporting breast cancer with walk for life in Playa Paraiso, Tenerife

Walk For Life 2021 – Breast Cancer Support

heroes together at Walk For Life 2021

WALK FOR LIFE Foundation – Canarian foundation that helps to breast cancer patients, announced their RACE FOR THE CURE this year again with the motivation and hope to help and support those affected by cancer and improve cancer research. Even this event is not much connected with our green mission, it is already some kind of Canary Green tradition to participate in RACE FOR THE CURE walk, because we love to help others that really appreciate it and need it. This year was no exception. 

walking and helping at the same time

The Walk for Life is a very special and unique event accompanied always with lot of beautiful energy and vibrations of thousands of its participants. Walk for Life 2021 was different…and everybody knows why. Canary Green team organized its own walk with few participants to help the Walk for Life Foundation with the purpose to show that breast cancer didn´t stop, continues and matters. 

Our WALK FOR LIFE 2021 was held on 26th September in Tenerife South. Canary Green Team connected the powers with staff of Nebula Restaurant and Peter Luyten Golf Acadamy and we walked together from Callao Salvaje to Playa Paraiso and back on typical sunny and warm Sunday. Maybe Sunday morning is not an ideal time for a run, but anyway everybody who participated in the walk came to support the event with smile on the face and lot of positive energy.

even the smallest step can be a part of a huge change

When all the forces of our Walk for Life Canary Green team stopped to walk, each participant felt blessed to be a part of something big and very helpful and at the same time everybody was happy to do something useful for the body and mind. And the most important result and sense of all the event was that we recollected approximately 100 EUR for breast cancer patients and its reasearch.

In short

Why the Walk for Life is so important?

• you help people that really need to be supported - the ones affected by cancer

• you support cancer reasearch and cancer foundation

• you do a great thing for your physical and mental health 🙂

RFTC 2021 in Playa Paraiso, Tenerife

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